Water Leaks
Small household leaks left UN-repaired can lead to a large water bill over time.
Running Garden Hose
A Running Garden Hose could leak about 17,000 gallons per day. This would add up to over 500,000 gallons of water used over a 30 day period.
Running Toilet
A Running Toilet, which sometimes cannot be heard by the human ear could leak as little as 1,440 gallons per day and could possibly leak as much as 8,000 gallons per day. This could add up to over 250,000 gallons of water used over a 30 day period.
Leak Detection
Some common ways to find a household leak are listed below
1. Put Food Coloring or Dye in the back of your commode and see if that particular color comes through to the bowl in 2 to 4 hours. If it does, this tells you the commode is leaking.
2. If you have a main shutoff valve on your water line coming into the home you could call Bingamon PSD and setup an appointment with a technician to help you determine if the leak is underground or in the home.
Bingamon PSD assumes NO Responsibility for personal injury incurred from the illegal entry into the water meter well or from the wrong installation of the lid back to its original location.Leak Adjustments
All leak adjustments will follow the rules of the West Virginia Public Service Commission for qualification purposes,
which reads as follows;
"Where the bill reflects unusual usage in excess of 200% of the customer's historical usage that can be attributed to leakage on the customer's side of the meter the utility will adjust the bill."
If a leak does qualify for an adjustment then the rate would follow the current tariff rules,
which reads as follows;
$7.84 per 1,000 gallons is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on the customer's side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer's historical usage.
This utility is regulated by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia